Vertical scroll bar Not available currently because price scaling is set to scale automatically by the highest-high and lowest-low price in the window. To scale prices manually, select the “Scale by Window” command in the “View” menu to un-check it. Volume / open interest divider To change the height of the volume and open interest chart, click and drag the heavy divider line here, releasing the mouse button at the desired height. Date axis To change price and volume bar spacing, click here. Labels and tick-marks are first trading day of a period as follows: View Label Tick Daily Month Week Weekly Quarter Month Monthly Year Quarter Volume axis Scaling of volume bars is automatic. Scaling is relative to the highest volume in the chart window or the entire file, depending on the state of the “Scale by Window” check-mark in the “View” menu. Price axis To change the price scale or number of price axis labels manually, click here. Use the “View” menu’s “Scale By Window” command to perform automatic price scaling. Volume / open interest bar-chart Volume shown as vertical bars, open interest as continuous line. Stocks show dividends in place of open interest. To view or edit any of the volume data bars for a given day, click on the volume-bar. Price bar-chart To view or edit any of the prices for a given price-bar, click on the price-bar. To change price scaling or bar spacing, click on the price axis or date axis labels. To change to a daily, weekly, or monthly chart, use the “View” menu. Vertical scroll bar To move the chart vertically, click in the scroll bar arrows to move up or down by 10 pixels, in the gray area to move half the window height, or drag the thumb to position the chart at a specific point. Horizontal scroll bar To move the chart horizontally, click in the scroll bar arrows to move by one bar, in the gray area to move half the window, or drag the thumb to position the chart at a specific point. Size box To re-size this chart window, click and drag the mouse here, releasing the mouse button when the window outline is at the desired size. SNHBalloon